BIG Members
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Designing Justice + Designing Spaces
At DJ+DS we use our innovations in architecture, design, and real estate development to attack the root causes of mass incarceration which we believe to be poverty, racism, lack of access to resources and the criminal justice system itself. Therefore, with our non-profit, government and community partners, we counter the societal inequities evident in the dominant architectural models of courthouses and prisons by co-creating new prototypes such as peacemaking centers, mobile villages and housing for foster age youth.
Together, we harness the power of the built environment to create triple-bottom-line equity, and support the success and expansion of restorative justice, education, and workforce development programs.
Ali Afrasiabi
REI Build Up
With licensed structural engineer (P.E. and S.E.) and licensed California general contractors on board, REI Build Up Design Corp and REI Build Up Construction Corp is specialized in seismic retrofit projects as well as major remodels and new construction projects. The REI Build Up team found out about Big Oakland while searching for a coworking space and felt nothing but thrilled that this space was designed specifically for small businesses in AEC industry.
The team is excited to be a Big Oakland member and looks forward to all the innovations and collaborations that will take place at this AEC-centric space.
Jamie Roche
Flux is a cloud platform and applications that break down historic barriers to construction quality and efficiency enabling predictably great building. Flux connects and organizes information from disparate applications enabling designers, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, owners and material suppliers to use their preferred tools and seamlessly collaborate. Flux was created inside of Google X to radically lower the cost and improve the quality of building worldwide.
Jocelynn cambier
Linea Lab Architects
Linea Lab Architects is a woman-owned architecture firm located in Oakland California. We engage in design rich with inquiry, informed by collaboration with clients, consultants and craftspeople. Our work focuses on holistic design solutions to create sustainable spaces of connection. Through a process of listening and distilling, we strive to create buildings and places that enrich a sense of community.
Linea Lab Architects offers comprehensive design services from schematic design through construction administration; maintaining focus on details and the essential driving elements of each design.
Stuart Rickard
BAU Bay Area Urban Development, LLC
BAU was formed in July 2003. Stuart Rickard is the principal of BAU and has extensive experience in real estate development, especially with projects that involve challenging entitlement and construction issues.
Stuart attended the University of California, Berkeley and obtained a B.A. in Architecture ('88) and an MBA ('98). He has experience with residential, office, retail, medical, civic, and other types of real estate. His work has involved design, entitlement, financing, construction, leasing, and disposition of real estate assets.
BAU is focused on infill development in the San Francisco Bay Area; resource-efficiency and community enhancement are key goals for BAU projects.
Stuart serves on the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda and is a member of SPUR and ULI.
Adam Weiss
Adam Weiss Architecture
Adam Weiss Design Management Consulting helps firms establish management practices that serve and enhance your firm’s overall mission. Often brought in when projects are in need of reorientation, we can quickly help identify the links between day to day management practices and project success (or lack thereof).
With 14 years experience in the design industry, we specialize on working with Architects, Engineers and other design professionals, but also work directly with owners to help bring their projects to completion.
Regina W. Davis
Regina Davis Consulting
Joined forces in 2014 with Strategic Urban Development Alliance (SUDA) to joint venture in mixed-use, Transit-oriented, over 1 million square feet of commercial real estate development projects in Oakland with Lane Partners LLC and the China Harbour Engineering Company. Projects include the 5-acre Mandela Station at the West Oakland BART station and the 3.5 acre Eastline project near 19th St. BART Station in Uptown Oakland.
Regina Davis served as the CEO of San Francisco Housing Development Corporation, the nonprofit real estate developer in San Francisco’s Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood, from 2001 to 2012. SFHDC’s mission was to help low and moderate income families create prosperity and help underserved communities become self-sufficient by developing opportunities for homeownership, business ownership and buying local.
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